Meeting Minutes 3/29/18

Members Present: 10

E-Board Present: Mike, Matt, Zach, TODD!

Meeting Start: 20:05

  • Welcome back!
  • Stuff to buy
    • 2xMikrotik for Arcadian/new site discussed last week
      • Motioned
      • Passes, will be ordered (2x$160)
    • Data terminal radio for data services
      • Gen2 mobile (5350 or 2500)
      • Motioned
      • Passes
    • Replacement APRS Radio
      • Cheap mobile
      • $150 or less
      • Motioned
      • Passes
      • Just communicate if you buy it!
    • UHF Duplexer
      • Brand new or refurb the old one
      • Motioned
      • Will look at costs
    • DMR Plus
      • Have received some emails from Evan/Mike
      • Asking about coverage up here…should respond…
      • If someone (current member) wants to head up DMR Plus, get in touch with Kory (KE8AVN)
      • Do not want to turn over slot 2 to DMR Plus
      • Would make another IPSC Network to point DMR Plus to
        • Would give us control on how DMR Plus operates
      • Could push 9062 to DMR Plus
      • Who would like to take the lead?
        • Matt volunteers
      • This will give us Mi5 access
      • Ranting about closed-sourcing of DMR Plus and Brandmeister
      • Matt will go through email draft and move forward
      • DMR Plus is interested in our logging dashboard
        • Blew theirs out of the water!
      • Matt will get dashboard up and running again
        • Super technical things were said
      • Elections coming up
        • Think about it!
        • Nominations at any time
        • Elections last meeting of school year (4/26)
      • Email earlier today
        • Shorewave is looking to get into our specific room at Horace Greely to run some conduit
        • Looking at next Wednesday at 10PM
        • Offer to provide data service if we are interested
      • WMTU gave us full access to their Arcadian link
      • Sometime before end of school year we should get up to CAFS to do a general check up
        • Possibly build lean to for CAFS repeater this summer

Meeting Adjourned: 21:05