The Husky Amateur Radio Club (HARC) is a registered student organization at Michigan Technological University dedicated to the hobby of amateur radio.
Meeting Times
HARC meets on Monday nights at 8:00pm during Fall and Spring academic semesters in the Cherry Room at Wadsworth Hall. Both Michigan Tech students and members of the general public are welcome to attend.
Volunteer Activities
HARC and its members commonly volunteer for several local community events, some of which include:
- The Lake Superior Performance Rally in the Fall
- Treat Street
- Copper Dog 150 in the Winter / Spring semester
- Parade of Nations
HARC owns and maintains a collection of amateur radio equipment, tools, and resources for use by our members. Our club shack, located in the west elevator penthouse of Wadsworth Hall, houses our HF equipment, UHF DMR repeater, and UHF/VHF analog repeater. We additionally have some equipment – such as DMR portable radios and VHF mobile radios – available for active club members to check out and use. Talk to a club officer or come to a meeting for more information.