Copper Dog 2016

Over the weekend of the 26th 7 members of HARC volunteered as ride along radio operators for the Copper Dog sled dog race.

From left to right: KE8AVN, KD8VRD, KD8LNM, KD8RAX, KD8OOS, and K8SPN.  KD8ZQB not pictured.

As part of our duties we provide communications over the entire course:CD16 CD150 Marketing Map 2016-02-08

This means mobile vhf radios are a must.  Since we are riding in the race official’s vehicles we need mag mounts, lots of mag mounts:

KD8OOS and the mag mounts
KD8OOS’s car with the majority of the mag mounts on the trunk. (for transport)

It was a great event and we look forward to next year!