Members Present: 9
E-Board Present: Mike, Zack, Matt, Todd
Meeting Start: 20:07
- Welcome!
- Card reader to HARC is broken
- Reader has been acting funny in the past
- Ticket has been submitted, should be quick
- Call duty phone/public safety in the mean time
- Bank trip went well
- Accounts got reshuffled (people added and removed)
- Get Don on account sometime
- Tech Fund Update
- Money has been moved from Tech Fund to another internal fund
- Couple hundred more than what was in email
- USG does charge a fee for storing…
- We will be using it for a new repeater site
- We should put together a proposal of what we are thinking of doing
- What to do?
- Ran some models in Radio Mobile
- Herman looks best
- Time to start talking to people
- Let’s come up with a plan/proposal to present to the state
- We will move forward with Herman tower
- 6550 Batteries
- Found some on E-Bay, aftermarket
- Get two
- No objections, they will be ordered
- Exam on the 6th
- BCRA is hosting
Meeting Adjourned: 21:21