Members Present: 10
E-Board Present: Mike, Zack, Matt, Todd
Meeting Start: 20:06
- Welcome Back!
- Hope everyone had a great break!
- Tech Fund
- We’ve got money!
- Quite a bit of money
- Not SAF money, just money for HARC
- We can use it as we see fit
- We need to find out who gave us the money
- Need to take the money out of Tech Fund and put it in our bank account
- Ideas:
- Equipment Purchases
- Tower Site Access (Herman or tall tower down south)
- Tower Choices:
- Herman-Ranked 1
- Donken
- Kenton Forest Service Tower-Ranked 2
- Lots of hoops to jump through for MPSCS towers
- Backhaul Hardware for CAFS
- Start seeking pricing and access for both
- Tower Choices:
- How to link the Kenton or Herman towers to our IPSC network
- Issue to resolve
- Kenton needs to be decently tall for the best equipment to have a microwave link
- Towers must be really stable
- We need to model Kenton and Herman and work on a budget
- Do some research and come back later with a final decision
- Cell tower going up at Brockway
- Contract update is happening
- Project out that decodes a large spectrum of digital modes (DMR, P25, NXDN, etc.)
- Subscription based service
- DSD Plus
- $25 for unlimited updates
- Peticash can pay for it
- We will get it
- 6550’s batteries are dead
- Propose to replace those and any other batteries that need to be replaced
- We will keep an eye out for batteries
- Need to deposit some cash in the bank…
- CCRAA Christmas Party
- Tuesday at 7
- Potluck (but could show up with just chips or cookies)
- BCRA needs liaison for exams
- We will let them know when we have an exam
- Next Monday evening
- Copper Dog Board Meeting
- Looking at doing real time tracking of all teams in the field through Trail Genius
- Might not be offered by Trail Genius…
- Might be able to do this as an APRS thing
- Could use things for Copper Dog for other events
- SARTrack Released Mandatory Update!
- You must upgrade!
- Do it now!
- Chris talked to Joanne about Rally…More to come
- Motorola Update
- Have to poke the applications again
- Tech still has our repeater
Meeting Adjourned: 21:18